Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS)

According to NOGICDA Act, local content is the quantum of composite value added to the Nigerian economy by a systematic development of capacity and capabilities through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human, material resources and services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

Get Access to all you need to know

Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS) According to NOGICDA Act, local content is the quantum of composite value added to the Nigerian economy by a systematic development of capacity and capabilities through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human, material resources and services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS)

According to NOGICDA Act, local content is the quantum of composite value added to the Nigerian economy by a systematic development of capacity and capabilities through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human, material resources and services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

Get Access to all you need to know

Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS) According to NOGICDA Act, local content is the quantum of composite value added to the Nigerian economy by a systematic development of capacity and capabilities through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human, material resources and services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

Extranet Search

Use the Extranet Search categories for data validation and verification of NCDMB approved certifications, registered Individuals and company’s competencies on the portal.


Certificate Verification

NCEC, NCRC, NCTRC & Marine Vessel Categorization Certificates


Individual Competency Search

Click here to verify a registered candidate


Service Companies Competency Search

NClick here for competency search of Contractor and Sub-contractor Companies.


Operators Competency Search

Click here for competency search of OIC, NOC and Independent Oil Companies



NCDMB E-market place is a virtual platform for buyers and sellers of goods and services that allows for speedy and transparent transactions within the Oil and Gas industry in Nigeria.

NOGIC JQS was created in line with section 55 of the act which states that the board shall establish, maintain and operate a joint qualification system (JQS) in consultation with industry stakeholders which shall be administered in accordance with provisions set out in the regulations to be made by the Minister in accordance with the provisions of this ACT.

Section 56 of the ACT goes on to say that the JQS shall constitute an industry databank of available capabilities and shall be used for Sole system for Nigerian Content registration and pre-qualification of contractors in the industry Verification of contractors’ capacities and capabilities Evaluation of application of Nigerian content in the operations of oil companies and contractors
Data base for national skills development pool Ranking and categorization of oil service companies based on capabilities and Nigerian Content


Create Account

Why Create Individual Account

  • This will constitute the NOGICJQS individual databank for national skills development pool to engage skill workers.
  • Opportunity to be nominated/shortlisted for trainings if you have the required skillset and qualification
  • Opportunity to be notified about available job opportunities within the Nigerian Oil and Gas industries.

Quick Guidelines


To access the NOGIC JQS portal, you must first signup to the portal and after successful creation of your portal user account, You MUST update your profile information. This would ensure that your exact profile information is available at NCDMB for full evaluation and proper considerations. The following steps enumerate how you can easily do this:

Service Companies

To create your Service Company profile on the NOGIC JQS portal, send the following listed requirements to for account creation. Letter of intent (Covering Letter)CAC information (CAC certificate, Form CO2 and CO7)DPR Registration CertificateName of companyDefault


To create your Operator profile on the NOGIC JQS portal, send the following listed requirements to for account creation.o Letter of intent (Covering Letter)o CAC information (CAC certificate, Form CO2 and CO7)



E-Market Place


NCDMB E-market place is a virtual platform for buyers and sellers of goods and services that allows for speedy and transparent transactions within the Oil and Gas industry in Nigeria.